Thursday, July 25, 2013

Books That Inspire

Inspiration can come from anywhere be it a person, a place, or a book. Which is why I've decided to do a post on books that have inspired things and moments in my life.

Mythos Academy by Jennifer Estep- While I would love to have a snowflake necklace inspired by the one Logan gave to Gwen sadly I don't.  However what I do have is Gwen and Vic inspired painted nails (as seen on the left). My nails are a violet purplish color inspired by Gwen's unique gypsy girl eyes and one of my fingers, the one closest to my pinky, is a gray color inspired by Vic, Gwen's talking sword. 

There's a scene in the book All You Desire, the second book in The Eternal Ones series by Kirsten Miller, where one of the main characters Iain Morrow bring back bombolinis, an Italian pastry, for the other main characters Haven Moore. The way the pastry was described in the book and how great it tasted made me really want to try it. So, one day while walking at a local market I saw a lady selling Italian pastries and low and behold she had bombolinis. They tasted amazing, better than Krispy Kreme doughnut if you can believe it.

Lastly, but definitely not least is the inspiration from the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. I absolutely love this series, it had an twisting and surprising story line, lovable and relatable characters whom I love especially Patch, and a romance that was breathtaking and tender. Overall my favorite series. Anyways, when I got my iPad I had the option of getting it engraved and of course I said yes; however now I had the problem of what to put on my iPad. This had to be something inspirational and quirky. I went through all my saved quotes on Goodreads and yet I still didn't feel as if any of them were the ones, so I went to my book shelf and I found my perfect quote in the Hush Hush series, as you can see on the left. Now no one can call me crazy because I'll just say that I'm creative. Also, I decided to name by iPad Patch after the main character in the series.

What about you? What books have inspired you to try new things in your life and what were those things or that thing?

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